A URL shortener service using only the Caddy server

Shedding excess features: my shift from YOURLS


14 min read

A URL shortener service using only the Caddy server


In 2019, when I started my genealogical research, I quickly noticed something: the links to civil status records can be very long.

Initially, I wanted to use Google's URL shortener, but it was already discontinued. Google recommended using Bitly, Owly, or Firebase Dynamic Links instead. The first two services were paid (and still are), and I didn't consider the last one because it seemed too complex to set up. That was a good decision, because Firebase Dynamic Links is already deprecated and will shut down on August 25, 2025.

I then decided to go with a self-hosted and open source solution, and I found YOURLS.

YOURLS is PHP-powered URL shortener that features bookmarklets, developer API, and awesome stats with historical click reports, referrers tracking and visitors geo-location. It is extensible thanks to plugins.

After a few years, I realized that I didn't need all these features. I just wanted something simple, something that redirects. And what redirects? A web server of course!

Let's begin!


Here are the requirements that I set for this project:

  1. Redirecting users must be done by a web server only, i. e., there is no web application.

  2. I must be able to create and delete short URLs from a terminal.

  3. The scripts to manage the short URLs mustn't depend on another programming language (e.g. Python, PHP, ...), however dependency on commonly-installed tools is allowed.

  4. Related to #2, the web server must be configurable via API.

  5. I must be able to store a title for each short URL I create, without a database or extra files.

  6. The web server configuration must be periodically backed up somewhere, so that it can load it back after reboot.

Technical choices

Web server

I decided to use Caddy as the web server, because it can be configured through an administration endpoint which can be accessed via HTTP using a REST API.

Each element of the configuration can be accessed directly via an ID that was given during its creation. This is perfect: this gives me an extra field to store data (the title!), and a way to directly interact with already-created URLs.

URL management

On most of my projects, I use a Makefile to automate repetitive tasks. This project is no exception: a Makefile serves as the CRUD CLI.

Hosting service

A few months ago I came across Fly.io and I put it in my "to experiment with" list of services. It is perfect for this project: deploying an app or service is done via their CLI (flyctl), and there is an official GitHub Action. A fly.toml file is used to configure an app for deployment on Fly.io.

Deployment configuration

I will be quick on the Fly.io deployment configuration, because it is not the focus of this article.

Thanks to the very clear documentation, I came up with this configuration:

app = "actes-williamblondel-fr"
primary_region = "cdg"
kill_signal = "SIGINT"
kill_timeout = "5s"
swap_size_mb = 512


  internal_port = 80
  force_https = true
  auto_stop_machines = false
  auto_start_machines = true
  processes = ["app"]

  cpu_kind = "shared"
  cpus = 1
  memory_mb = 256


  • The app is the application name.

  • The primary_region is where the instance(s) that host my application will be located.

  • The kill_signal is the signal that Fly will send to the running process when the instance is shut down.

  • The kill_timeout is the time to wait before stopping the instance, after sending the signal set by kill_signal.

  • The swap_size_mb option creates a swap partition of this size and enables it. It's just a precaution, in case Caddy runs out of memory.

  • When an empty [build] section is set, flyctl will by default look for a Dockerfile in the application root.

  • The http_service section defines a Fly service that listens on port 80 and 443.

    • The service will communicate with Caddy on the internal_port, which is 80.

    • Fly will enforce HTTP to HTTPS redirects thanks to force_https.

    • auto_stop_machines is set to false as I don't want the instance to stop when there is no traffic.

    • auto_start_machines is set to true as I want the instance to start automatically.

    • processes is the process group this service belongs to.

  • The vm section defines the compute requirements for the instances used for the application. I use the smallest instance available, an instance with a shared 1vCPU and 256MB of RAM.

The Dockerfile is relatively simple:

FROM caddy:2.7.6-alpine

RUN apk add curl --no-cache

COPY ./conf/caddy-config-loader.json /etc/caddy/caddy-config-loader.json

CMD ["caddy", "run", "--config", "/etc/caddy/caddy-config-loader.json"]

I use the official Caddy Docker image as a base, on which I:

  • install curl (I will send request to the Caddy administration endpoint through the instance via SSH instead of accessing it remotely);

  • copy the configuration that Caddy will load on startup;

  • set Caddy to use this configuration.

Caddy configuration

Let's have a look at the initial Caddy configuration, /conf/caddy-config-loader.json:

  "admin": {
    "config": {
      "load": {
        "module": "http",
        "url": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wblondel/actes.williamblondel.fr/main/conf/caddy-config.json",
        "adapter": "json"

This initial configuration tells Caddy to pull its config dynamically when it starts. The pulled config completely replaces the current one.

The pulled config is available here, and contains all the redirection rules (the URLs).

Using the Caddyfile format, the pulled configuration looks like this:

http://actes-williamblondel-fr.fly.dev, http://actes.williamblondel.fr {
    map {path} {redirect-uri} {
        /ab1cdefg https://github.com/wblondel
        default not_found

    @hasRedir expression `{redirect-uri} != "not_found"`
    redir @hasRedir {redirect-uri}

    respond "That's an unknown short URL ... :(" 404

The SSL certificate and the redirection to HTTPS is handled by Fly.io so I disable that on the Caddy configuration by adding http:// before the hosts.

I included one URL as an example.

However, the pulled configuration needs to be in JSON format. So I converted it like so:

caddy adapt --config conf/Caddyfile --adapter caddyfile --pretty

Which gave the following configuration (first version of /conf/caddy-config.json):

  "apps": {
    "http": {
      "servers": {
        "srv0": {
          "listen": [
          "routes": [
              "match": [
                  "host": [
              "handle": [
                  "handler": "subroute",
                  "routes": [
                      "handle": [
                          "defaults": [
                          "destinations": [
                          "handler": "map",
                          "mappings": [
                              "input": "/ab1cdefg",
                              "outputs": [
                          "source": "{http.request.uri.path}"
                      "handle": [
                          "handler": "static_response",
                          "headers": {
                            "Location": [
                          "status_code": 302
                      "match": [
                          "expression": "{redirect-uri} != \"not_found\""
                      "handle": [
                          "body": "That's an unknown short URL ... :(",
                          "handler": "static_response",
                          "status_code": 404
              "terminal": true

Now that I have both the Caddy configuration loader and the Caddy configuration, I can commit, push, and deploy the service...

... and it works!

Managing the URLs with a Makefile


Let's explore the Makefile.

I always start with my standard boilerplate:


include .env

.PHONY: help # List available commands
    @echo "Available commands:"
    @grep '^.PHONY: .* #' Makefile | sed 's/\.PHONY: \(.*\) # \(.*\)/\1 >> \2/' | expand -t20

The help target shows the list of available targets / commands in the Makefile, along with the comment written next to them.

With the .DEFAULT_GOALspecial variable, I can set the default target of the Makefile to help. This way, executing make would output:

Available commands:

help >> List available commands

I also load the content of the .env file, which has two variables: CADDY_ADMIN_API and APP_URL .


Shorten a URL: short

MAPPINGS_ROUTE := "/config/apps/http/servers/srv0/routes/0/handle/0/routes/0/handle/0/mappings"

base64url_encode = $(shell printf '%s' "$1" | base64 | tr '/+' '_-' | tr -d '=')

.PHONY: short # Shorten a URL
ifndef url
    $(error url is undefined)
ifndef shortcode
    $(eval shortcode := $(shell dd if=/dev/urandom bs=4 count=2 2>/dev/null | xxd -p | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | head -c 8))
ifndef title
    $(error title is undefined)
    $(eval encoded_title := $(call base64url_encode,$(title)))

    @echo "Shortcode: $(shortcode)..."
    @echo "Encoded title: $(encoded_title)"
    @flyctl ssh console --command "curl -s -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{\"@id\":\"$(encoded_title)\",\"input\":\"/$(shortcode)\",\"outputs\":[\"$(url)\"]}' $(CADDY_ADMIN_API)$(MAPPINGS_ROUTE)/0"
    @echo "$(APP_URL)/$(shortcode)"

With this command, we can create a short link that redirects to a specific url. A shortcode can be provided, if not it will be generated automatically.

The MAPPINGS_ROUTE variable contains the path to the mappings object that contains the redirection rules. It is reused throughout the Makefile.

If a shortcode is not provided, it is automatically generated:

  1. With dd, it reads 2 blocks of 4 bytes through the interface to the kernel's random number generator;

  2. With xxd, it converts the binary data into hexadecimal representation (-p). This gives us 16 characters, however it could be less under rare circumstances;

  3. With tr, it filters out any characters that are not alphanumeric. The -d option deletes characters, and the -c option negates the set specified. This ensures that we only get alphanumeric characters;

  4. With head, it selects the first 8 characters from the output.

The title is encoded into Base64URL: the defined base64url_encode function is called with the variable title as a parameter.

This function encodes the value in base64 format, modifies the base64 encoding to make it URL-safe (it replaces / with _ and + with - ), and removes any padding characters (=).

The Base64URL encoded string will be the ID of the redirection rule. I chose Base64URL because the ID cannot contain some special characters and this format can be decoded to retrieve the title.

Finally, time to call the Caddy API. Here is the formatted command for better readability:

curl -s -X PUT \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
    -d @payload.json \

The payload.json being:

  "@id": "$(encoded_title)",
  "input": "/$(shortcode)",
  "outputs": [

In the Makefile, an inline payload is used.

Delete a URL by its ID or shortcode: delete

MAPPINGS_ROUTE := "/config/apps/http/servers/srv0/routes/0/handle/0/routes/0/handle/0/mappings"

.PHONY: delete # Delete a URL by ID or shortcode
ifdef id
    @echo "Deleting route with ID $(id)"
    @flyctl ssh console --command "curl -s -X DELETE $(CADDY_ADMIN_API)/id/$(id)"
else ifdef shortcode
    @echo "Fetching route..."
    @make shortcode= id=$$(flyctl ssh console --quiet --command "curl -s $(CADDY_ADMIN_API)$(MAPPINGS_ROUTE)" | jq -r '.[] | select(.["input"] == "/$(shortcode)") | .["@id"]') delete
    $(error id or shortcode should be defined)

With this command, we can delete any short link, either by its id (the encoded title) or by its shortcode:

make delete id="VGVzdCBQYWdl"
make delete shortcode="62f21770"

If an id is defined, the Caddy API is called:

curl -s -X DELETE $(CADDY_ADMIN_API)/id/$(id)"

If not, but if a shortcode is defined, the id of the relevant redirection rule is fetched and the delete target is called again with the id variable set.

First the list of redirection rules is retrieved:


Sample output:

    "input": "/ab1cdefg",
    "outputs": [

Then, jq:

  • iterates over each element of the JSON array at the top level: .[];

  • selects only the element where the value of the key "input" (the shortcode) is equal to the value of the variable shortcode;

  • extracts the value of the key @id (the encoded title) from the selected element.

jq -r '.[] | select(.["input"] == "/$(shortcode)") | .["@id"]'

If jq cannot find the requested element, it returns null.

The delete target is then called with the id variable set to the output of jq and with the shortcode variable set to null.

If jq returns null, both variables are null and the delete target returns an error.

Show the Caddy configuration: show_config

.PHONY: show_config # Show the Caddy configuration
    @flyctl ssh console --quiet --command "curl -s $(CADDY_ADMIN_API)/config/" | jq

This command pretty prints with jq the full JSON Caddy configuration.

Show the list of redirection rules: show_routes

MAPPINGS_ROUTE := "/config/apps/http/servers/srv0/routes/0/handle/0/routes/0/handle/0/mappings"
# Thank you Renaud Pacalet!
# @see https://stackoverflow.com/a/53865416/2699597
TAB := $(NULL)    $(NULL)

.PHONY: show_routes # Show the list of routes (JSON, CSV or table format)
ifndef output_format
    @flyctl ssh console --quiet --command "curl -s $(CADDY_ADMIN_API)$(MAPPINGS_ROUTE)" | jq
ifeq ($(output_format),json)
    @flyctl ssh console --quiet --command "curl -s $(CADDY_ADMIN_API)$(MAPPINGS_ROUTE)" | jq
else ifeq ($(output_format),table)
    @flyctl ssh console --quiet --command "curl -s $(CADDY_ADMIN_API)$(MAPPINGS_ROUTE)" | \
        jq -r 'map(.["@id"] |= @base64d) | ["@id", "input", "outputs"], (.[] | [.["@id"], .input, .outputs[]]) | @tsv' | \
        column -t -s'$(TAB)'
else ifeq ($(output_format),csv)
    @flyctl ssh console --quiet --command "curl -s $(CADDY_ADMIN_API)$(MAPPINGS_ROUTE)" | \
        jq -r 'map(.["@id"] |= @base64d) | ["@id", "input", "outputs"], (.[] | [.["@id"], .input, .outputs[]]) | @csv'
    @echo "Invalid output format: $(output_format)"
    @echo "Should be json, table, or csv"
Be careful if you copy/paste this code snippet. The tab character in the TAB variable might have been replaced by 4 spaces.

This command shows the list of redirection rules (routes) defined in the Caddy configuration.

The output_format variable is optional and defaults to json, which pretty prints the JSON. Available output formats are json, table, and csv.

These jq commands seem complex so let's break them down.

jq -r 'map(.["@id"] |= @base64d) | ["@id", "input", "outputs"], (.[] | [.["@id"], .input, .outputs[]]) | @tsv' | \
column -t -s'$(TAB)'

When the output_format is table , it:

  • applies the @base64d filter to the value of the key @id for each object in the input array. This filter decodes the base64-encoded string;

  • creates an array containing column headers: @id, input, outputs;

  • combines the previous array of column headers with the output of the next expression: , ;

  • for each object in the input array, creates an array containing the value of the key @id, the value of the key input, and each value in the array outputs ;

  • converts the input into a tab-separated values (TSV) format

Then, the output of jq is piped to column, which formats its input into multiple columns. With the -t option, it determines the number of columns the input contains and create a table. The possible input item delimiters is specified with the -s option (default is whitespace).

column -t -s'\t' does not work in a Makefile because make strips strings before using them as arguments of various commands or statements. A workaround is to define a variable NULL that contains nothing, and a variable TAB that contains NULL + the tab character + NULL. Thank you Renaud Pacalet!

When the output_format is csv , jq is similarly used. The input is converted into a comma-separated values (CSV) format instead, and column is not used.

Restart the app: restart_app

.PHONY: restart_app # Restart the app
    @flyctl apps restart

This command restarts the Fly.io application.

Shut down Caddy: stop_caddy

.PHONY: stop_caddy # Gracefully shut down Caddy and exit the process
    @flyctl ssh console --command "curl -X POST $(CADDY_ADMIN_API)/stop"

This command gracefully shuts down Caddy and exits the process.

CI/CD and automatic backups

Deploy to Fly.io on push

Following this guide, I setup this GitHub workflow:

name: Fly Deploy
      - main

    name: Deploy app
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    concurrency: deploy-group

      - uses: actions/checkout@v4

      - uses: superfly/flyctl-actions/setup-flyctl@1.5
      - run: flyctl deploy --remote-only
          FLY_API_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.FLY_API_TOKEN }}

Every time a push is done to the main branch, the application is deployed.

Automatic backup of the Caddy configuration

    - cron: '*/30 * * * *'

  contents: write

    name: Backup Caddy config
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - uses: actions/checkout@v4

      - uses: superfly/flyctl-actions/setup-flyctl@1.5
      - name: Fetch Caddy Config
        id: fetch-caddy-config
        run: |
          caddy_config=$(flyctl ssh console --command 'cat /config/caddy/autosave.json')
          echo "$caddy_config" | jq > conf/caddy-config.json
          FLY_API_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.FLY_API_TOKEN }}

      - name: Check for changes
        id: check-changes
        run: |
          if [[ -n $(git status -s) ]]; then
            echo "Changes detected"
            echo "is_changed=1" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
            exit 0
            echo "No changes to commit"
            echo "is_changed=0" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
            exit 0

      - name: Commit new Caddy Config
        if: ${{ steps.check-changes.outputs.is_changed == 1 }}
        run: |
          current_datetime=$(date -u +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
          commit_message="Caddy Config AutoSave - $current_datetime"
          git config user.name github-actions[bot]
          git config user.email 41898282+github-actions[bot]@users.noreply.github.com
          git add conf/caddy-config.json
          git commit -m "$commit_message"
          git push

This workflow is setup to run every 30 minutes.


  • checks out the repository;

  • fetches the Caddy configuration via the administration endpoint and saves it to conf/caddy-config.json;

  • checks if there are any changes in our local repository, and defines the is_changed variable accordingly;

  • commits the new Caddy config if changes were detected.

For the commit to appear correctly in the GitHub UI, the bot's git email and username must be setup according to the values given by the GitHub API. Thank you Ardis Lu!


This simple Dependabot configuration enables automatic version updates of the GitHub Actions used and the Docker image tags:

# Set update schedule for GitHub Actions

version: 2

  - package-ecosystem: "github-actions"
    directory: "/"
      interval: "daily"
      - "wblondel"

  - package-ecosystem: "docker"
    directory: "/"
      interval: "daily"
      - "wblondel"


This it it!

It was a very fun and interesting project to work on, and I was excited to share it with the world! Do leave a comment if you have any question or if this article was useful to you ๐Ÿ˜!

The project can be found on this repository: https://github.com/wblondel/actes.williamblondel.fr.

Since all my links were in YOURLS, I had to write a script to migrate them to this new service. You can find the scripts in the scripts/importer folder.
